Rock climbing on natural terrain

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Rock climbing on natural terrain

14 modules in the format of video lectures and training materials. Access to the materials does not burn out, they can be reviewed as much as you want at any time.

The lecturer is a mountaineer and an instructor with 20 years of experience.

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For whom

Who wants to go beyond the climbing wall and approach real rocks for the first time
Who has already been to the mountains, but needs the support of a mentor
Who feels confident on the climbing wall and is ready to try out his skills on natural terrain

What we'll teach you

To select equipment for departure
To knit knots confidently
Go down with route safety in case of emergency
Exchange clear commands with a partner

Course video Lecture 1


Kirill Belotserkovsky

He has been engaged in mountaineering for 20 years, has been working as a mountaineering instructor for 15 years. He has conducted more than 500 ascents as an instructor and guide.

20 years of mountaineering
500+ guided ascents

Kirill's luggage contains hundreds of training courses for beginners and future mountaineering instructors, as well as expert articles on various topics related to mountain climbing: from simple ones, for example, about knots or teams in mountaineering, to complex ones, like the movement of three people on difficult terrain.

Course program

1. How to behave on the rocks

Simple rules that will help you avoid becoming an uninvited guest on the rocks.

2. Commands

Dialogue with your partner and others is the key to your safety.

3. Knots

Six knots, which is enough for almost everything.

4. Equipment

Take only the most necessary things with you – tips and life hacks that will help lighten your backpack.

5. Hanging

Place the equipment on the harness so that everything you need is always at hand.

6. Preparation

What you need to know before you end up on the wall.

7. Grigri Insurer

The most popular device for insurance on the rocks.

8. Basket insurer

The most versatile device for insurance anywhere.


How to choose and use the drawstrings.

10. Top insurance

Let's figure out how to make the safest type of insurance so that you can sort out the route without stress.

11. The station

How to get bandaged at the station and get down without leaving any delays.

12. Descent from the middle of the route

It's okay not to cope with the route right away; we'll tell you how to get down from the middle of the route and not leave any delays.

13. Marking of the rope

How to assemble a rope for transportation so that it does not spread all over the backpack.

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Online course

Rock climbing on natural terrain with Kirill Belotserkovsky

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