Online Course Multi-pitch

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Online Course Multi-pitch climbing

Online course "Multi-pitch climbing" with Kirill Belotserkovsky.

12 modules in the format of video lectures and training materials. Access to the materials does not burn out — you can return to them at any time.

The lecturer is a mountaineer, mountain enthusiast and instructor with 20 years of experience.

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For whom

For climbers who want to feel more confident on the rocks
Climbers who want new long routes
For those who already climb multi-pitches, but want new knowledge to climb faster and safer

What we'll teach you

We will find out which equipment will be useful, we will learn how to make different stations on the route, depending on the situation
We will devote a lot of time to descending from the route — we will practice the classic methods of dulfer, as well as rehearse in practice what to do if the trigger device is lost, how to help a partner if he feels ill and how to save a stuck rope
We'll learn how to move from descent to ascent
We'll figure out how to climb together, three of us, how to help the leader or the second on the way up and down

Course video Lecture 1


Kirill Belotserkovsky

He has been engaged in mountaineering for 20 years, of which he has been working as a mountaineering instructor for 15 years. During this time, he went more than five hundred ascents as an instructor or guide.

20 years of mountaineering
500+ guided ascents

Kirill's luggage contains hundreds of training courses for beginners and for future mountaineering instructors, as well as expert articles on various topics related to mountaineering.  From simple ones, like climbing commands or knitting knots, to complex ones, like moving a bunch of three over a difficult terrain.

Course program

1. Equipment

What you need to take besides what we take on sports routes and how to properly place everything on the harness

2. Stations

What is it all about, what they are, what and when to do

3. What to do at the station

How to choose a rope and insure a partner

4. Helping a partner on the rise

If he can't get through a difficult place on the route. Let's study two simple polispasts

5. Threesome climbing

What to do and in what order, how to insure the two bottom participants at the same time, how to settle down at the station

6. Change of leader

Important subtleties that are better to know

7. Descent

The most important thing in multi-pitching and mountaineering is to get down safely. Let's study the descent on a basket, a Grigri, a carbine brake, a UIAA node, a cherry and so on. This is the highlight of the course, the longest module

8. Rope rescue

What to do if the rope gets stuck. Learn more about the different rescue options. A very important module — you can't go down without a rope, and it's a shame to leave it on the route

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Online course

Multi-pitch climbing

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